On Monday, August 7, the Lewisburg Police Department announced that they had discovered the body of a male believed to be Jarred Schultz. The 39-year-old Barboursville man was reported missing for two days. Schultz was last seen at 11.40 pm on August 5, after attending the LIV golf tournament near Lewisburg's Coleman Drive. Authorities have not yet determined the circumstances that led up to his demise.

According to WVNews, investigators from the Lewisburg Police Department said there is no indication that foul play was involved in Jarred Schultz's death. The victim's cause of death remains undisclosed, as the case is still in the early stages of investigation. In the initial report, authorities described the victim as a white, red-haired male. He was supposedly last seen wearing a pink polo shirt, a gray hat, and shorts.

Authorities are trying to determine where Jarred Schultz may have been in his last days

Jarred Schultz's friends said they could no longer contact him after 11.40 pm on Saturday when they attended the LIV golf tournament. At 2 am on Sunday, after the victim had been missing for hours, a formal missing person case was reported to local authorities. The Mountain State Mysteries podcast reported that Schutlz unusually left his truck at his workplace.

WCHSTV noted that authorities attempted to reach his phone in their efforts to find Schultz. As the search intensified, multiple agencies became involved. The WV Division of Corrections, WV State Police, WV Division of Natural Resources, the Lewisburg Fire Department, and the Greenbrier County Sheriff's Office also got involved in the search.

Authorities said that they used several measures to canvas the area around Lewisburg. Officials searched several areas for surveillance footage that could shed light on Jarred Schultz's whereabouts. They also deployed drones, search dogs, and thermal imaging devices.

Lootpress stated that at 12.36 pm on August 7, the body of a deceased male was discovered in the woods near Interstate 64 and Route 219. Authorities said that they believe it belongs to Schultz, though they could not provide any details about the circumstances that may have led to the accident.

Officials said that as the investigation is ongoing, they are trying to find signs of where Schultz may have been during his last days. Authorities are interested in his mental health or any individuals he may have met.

In an online post, a spokesperson for Davis' Place Neighborhood Bar and Grill restaurant wrote about the 39-year-old man's untimely death. In the tribute, Schultz was described as a family-oriented man who has left behind a wife and two children.

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