Sophie Turner, known for her role as Sansa Stark in "Game of Thrones," was spotted locking lips with her co-star, Frank Dillane, on a beach in Spain this week. However, this isn't a new fling for Turner as the two are just acting out their roles as husband and wife in the British TV series, "Joan."

Turner plays the lead character, Joan Hannington, who was an infamous jewel thief in London during the 1980s. The actress was seen taking a smoke break on set earlier this week, marking her first appearance since news broke of her divorce from Joe Jonas.

The breakup between Turner and Jonas has been attributed to their different lifestyles, according to sources. Jonas filed for divorce last week, requesting joint custody of their two young daughters. It's been reported that he saw something on a Ring camera that made him realize their relationship had come to an end.

Despite the divorce proceedings, Turner seems to be focusing on her work and putting on a good performance. Based on the scene being filmed on the beach with Dillane, it's safe to say that Jonas won't be tuning in to watch "Joan."

Turner has struggled with her mental health

It's not uncommon for actors to have to kiss their co-stars as part of their job. In fact, it's a common occurrence in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Turner is simply doing her job and putting on a good performance for her audience.

As for her personal life, Turner has always been relatively private, but she has opened up about her struggles with mental health in the past. In an interview with Dr. Phil, she revealed that she suffered from depression and had considered suicide.

"I would say, 'Yeah, I am spotty. I am fat. I am a bad actress.' I would just believe it," Turner said. "I would get [the costume department] to tighten my corset a lot. I just got very, very self-conscious."

However, Turner has since sought help and has been open about her journey to better mental health. She's become an advocate for mental health awareness and has encouraged others to seek help when needed.
