A woman identified as Shauntae Heard recently went viral as a video came to light in which she was seen damaging the piano of a street performer in Athens, Georgia. The video of the viral incident was shared by the street performer, who goes by the name, The Andrew Shoes on TikTok.

After being called out for her actions, Heard shared an apology statement on social media, but later deleted it. However, internet users were quick enough to take a screenshot of it and started sharing it widely.

Netizens were not convinced by her apology and said that Shauntae's post showed that she was not sorry not at all. One user @cooked_fruit reacted to the screenshot of Shauntae's apology and said:

"Narcissists always minimise their actions."

In the viral video that caused the outraged online, the Tiktoker, The Andrew Shoes, was seen performing at the street when the passers by were watching him.

One of the passers by was Shauntae, who came forward and took the money out of the bucket of the pianist. Moreover, she also destroyed the piano as seen in the video.

Social media users were not convinced with Shauntae Heard's apology and said that she never admitted any wrongdoing

Shauntae shared a statement on Facebook in which she said that she has apologized to the pianist, but denied about stealing the money and damaging the piano.

As the internet users came across this, they reacted to it by saying that she never admitted any wrongdoing and is not even sorry.

Shauntae Heard 's apology read:

"I have took accountability for my actions. I know it was wrong and ignorant of me but please keep my family out of it. Everybody has made mistakes, nobody is perfect. Again, I’m sorry for my actions."

She further asked people to not get her family involved in this and that she has seen worse, but people should not be this nasty.

The street performer accepted her apology and Shauntae Heard shared a screenshot of it

The street performer pianist, Andrew, accepted her apology as per a screenshot shared by Shauntae where it was seen that she and Andrew exchanged messages.

In the messages, the pianist said:

"Hey, I accept your apology. I told people not to harass you, but I can’t control what happens so that was my way of trying not to have people come at you. However, you have to know that actions have consequences, and while I feel bad that people are harassing you, you’ve got to own up."

It is also worth noting that after the incident went viral and internet users identified the woman, Shauntae Heard, she immediately deactivated her Instagram account as well.

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