Nantes face off with Reims in a Ligue 1 game at the Stade de la Beaujoire this Sunday (November 5).

Nantes are currently in 7th place, while Reims sit two spots above them in 5th. However, just three points separate the sides, although Nantes have a significantly poorer goal difference than Reims.

With that considered, which of these teams will be able to pull off a win this weekend to further their hopes of a top-half finish?

Nantes vs Reims Head-to-Head and Key Numbers

  • Recent results between these two sides seem to favour Reims. They have won five of their last six meetings with Nantes, including a 0-3 victory at the Stade de la Beaujoire in April.
  • Nantes’ 4-0 loss to Lens last weekend was only their second defeat in their past eight games. Prior to that, they’d won four of five to climb up the table into the top half.
  • Reims have also been on a strong run this season. They have lost just one of their last five matches, and have won three in that sequence, including a 1-0 win over Lorient last weekend.
  • Both of these sides are among Ligue 1’s highest-scoring teams. They have scored the same number thus far – 16 – with only Paris St. Germain and Monaco scoring more than them in the opening ten games.
  • Nantes forward Mostafa Mohamed has scored five goals thus far into the campaign, with only Akor Adams of Montpellier and Kylian Mbappe of Paris St. Germain scoring more than the Egyptian international.

Nantes vs Reims Prediction

This game will hopefully deliver some goals, as both teams have been relatively free-scoring this season.

However, while neither side has had problems with scoring, Nantes have conceded 19, a worrying total for a side with top-half ambitions.

Reims, on the other hand, are more robust, have a strong recent record against their hosts, and will probably be happy to grind out a result. Expect a close match, but the prediction is a narrow victory for Reims.

Prediction: Nantes 1-2 Reims

Nantes vs Reims Betting Tips

Tip 1: Result – Reims win.

Tip 2: Both sides to score – Yes (Both Nantes and Reims have scored plenty this season and Reims have yet to draw a single blank).

Tip 3: Reims to score in the second half – Yes (Reims’ last four goals in Ligue 1 have all come in the second half of matches).

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