It seems like Kim Kardashian is sick and tired of people hating on her for working with the president. The reality TV star prefers to ignore all the criticism however, since all she wants is to save lives, with the help of Donald Trump, or not!

As fans remember, last summer, Trump, who is definitely not many people’s favorite person in California, accepted Kim’s request to pardon Alice Johnson.

The woman had been behind bars since 1996 for only a first-time drug offense!

To get this done, the Kardashian met with Trump at the White House and lobbied for Johnson.

And since Kim really enjoys doing this, she’s continued to push for a criminal justice reform and is even studying to become a layer at this time.

She’s also kept in touch with the White House, working with different officials to maybe get more clemencies to people serving unfair sentences who deserve another chance.

While on CNN’s Van Jones Show, Kim said: ‘So many people say to me, ‘Do not go to the White House because your career will be over,’ and I just weighed the decision where I was like, to save a life, or to get bad tweets about me or a bad article for a few days. I guarantee you that the people sitting behind bars don’t care who the president is. They just relief. And so if I could’ve done that, I don’t care.’

There are also fans who ask her to try and bring a more positive political change at the White House as well!

‘I see people writing me on Twitter all the time, ‘Kim, do something,’ and I’ve been very honest with the administration. I’ve been honest with everyone, from Jared and Ivanka, to everyone in the White House about how I feel about immigration in particular and we have had the conversations,’ she told the host.


Kim admitted that she ‘can’t do everything’ so she’s focused on areas where she can actually change people’s lives while just voicing her opinion on other matters she can’t control.
