Nate Diaz has doubled down on his stance that Khabib Nurmagomedov is "not a real fighter" during a recent appearance on the FULL SEND podcast.

Diaz is currently preparing to make his boxing debut this weekend when he faces off against Jake Paul at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. The bout, billed as 'Ready 4 War' will be fought at cruiserweight and also sees boxing star Amanda Serrano co-main the night against Heather Hardy.

Ahead of his fight on August 5, Diaz was asked about a potential trilogy bout against Conor McGregor as well as the Irishman's feud with the Russian. Diaz then labeled McGregor as one of the greatest ever trash talkers before once again criticizing the fighting style of Nurmagomedov. He said:

"He's [Conor McGregor] a rude little f*cker. He talks hella sh*t. [Diaz was then asked about McGregor's trash talking to Khabib Nurmagomedov] F*ck Khabib. Khabib is the worst. Just look at him, he ran off, he's a jock. It's not my style of fighting. I don't like it.

Nate Diaz added:

"If that's how you fight, that's cool. But the style in general, he's not a real fighter. Him, DC [Daniel Cormier], certain guys. I'm just not interested in that kind of fighting at all. Not wrestling because I love wrestling. It's just the jocky attitude. I'm a real fighter."

Catch Diaz's criticism of Nurmagomedov here:

Jake Paul's training partner doesn't see him knocking out Nate Diaz

A training partner of Jake Paul doesn't believe 'The Problem Child' will be able to knockout Nate Diaz during their ten round bout this weekend.

Joshua Pagan, a 23-year-old boxing prospect, was brought in as part of Paul's training camp which was headed up in Puerto Rico. Pagan has since lauded his time spent with the former Disney channel star and praised him for his determination and work ethic throughout the camp.

Speaking to the TheSunSport, Pagan also gave his prediction for the fight, admitting that he only sees Jake Paul getting his hand raised against Nate Diaz via unanimous decision. He explained:

"My prediction for the Nate Diaz fight is a unanimous decision for Jake... I think Jake just has too many tools in his arsenal, and what he is learning in this camp is going to pay off and show come fight night."

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