Matt Hancock revealed his dream dinner party guests would include JFK, Pocahontas and a naked Marilyn Monroe on Thursday night's episode of I'm a Celebrity.
The former health secretary was joining in a discussion with campmates to name dinner party guests, including at least one who is still alive, one dead and one fictional.
Mr Hancock said: “Dead person, I’d have JFK, absolutely fascinating and apparently one of the most charming people who has ever lived.”
Seann Walsh, the comedian, replied: “You could ask him who he thought shot him.”
The MP replied: “I think if someone’s dead, asking them about who killed them is probably a bit of a morbid conversation. I want to say Kevin Keegan. I’ve never met him. Fictional character Pocahontas. Apparently she wasn’t fictional so I couldn’t have her…”
Mr Hancock added: “And I will have Marilyn Monroe as my naked chef. She’s [Jill] got David Beckham!”
He was referring to the earlier choice by Jill Scott, the former England women's footballer, who said she would have David Beckham cooking up food naked at her dinner.
Scott said: “Joey from Friends, Princess Diana and Roy Keane. Princess Diana was just such an inspirational woman, I just want to hear the whole story. And then can I have the naked chef David Beckham?”
Mike Tindall, the former England Rugby player, was also involved in the lighthearted chat.
The Princess Royal's son-in-law told campmates: “Dead, I would have Robin Williams. I just think he was a genius. Come in as Mrs Doubtfire and running off and coming back as Robin Williams. That would be the best. Alive, Samuel L Jackson, I think he’s the king of cool. Fictional, I’d take Jason Bourne, just in case s--- goes down.”
Walsh added of his choices: “Alive, it’s between Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Carrey. There’d be no awkward silences with Jim Carrey. Dead – Chaplin – the biggest comedy icon of all time. I’d get him to do slapstick at the dinner table. Fictional, it has to be Ray from Ghostbusters. Fish fingers, chips and beans. I’ll have spaghetti hoops instead of beans. Owen [is my naked chef].”
During Thursday night's episode, Mr Hancock also opened up about what goes on behind closed doors in Parliament as he explained how a cabinet reshuffle works.
The Tory MP for West Suffolk was asked by radio DJ Chris Moyles about the inner workings of Westminster and how a MP can move between cabinet offices without prior experience in the area.
Mr Hancock said: "I'll tell you exactly what happens. It's reshuffle day and the first thing the Prime Minister does is call the people who he or she is going to fire and invites them into the office in the House of Commons.
"That way the cameras can't see them coming and going. Face-to-face. These are very sensitive conversations.
"Then they go into Downing Street and they call people in in order of seniority. They have a whiteboard with all of the cabinet positions on it and they go from senior down.
"Sometimes people say, 'No, I don't want to be Defence Secretary, I'd take Transport' and it is literally a reshuffle as in they're moving names across this whiteboard."
The radio DJ asked if an MP would get more money for taking on a cabinet position, which Mr Hancock confirmed they would if they were appointed into government, clarifying that meant they would now hold two jobs.
Moyles continued, asking: "But how many MPs have got quite a decent knowledge of defence?"
Hancock replied: "The job of the minister is not to be the subject matter expert. Of course, you need to get to grips with the subject matter, but that is only half the job.
"There's a load of transferable skills – handling Parliament, communicating with the public, taking decisions effectively – and then you have the subject matter experts who advise you on it all."
Later in the Bush Telegraph, Mr Hancock said he had the found the conversation "really enjoyable" while Moyles appeared to have become more sceptical of the reshuffle process.
He said: "I'm starting to think now, to be Minister of Transport, all you need is a car. And to be Minister of Health all you need is to be breathing."
The radio presenter added: "Fascinating talking to him, however, he has no interest in me, my life, my job. He's a funny little fish, isn't he?"
Elsewhere in the episode, Moyles and Owen Warner teamed up to take on The Savage Sorting Office Busktucker Trial.
Having had a number of low-scoring performances already, Moyles was keen to improve his record and put himself forward for the challenge.
The pair were tasked with sorting through mail to find the coveted golden stars but Warner found himself suspended from a crane in a harness while Moyles had to operate the crane blindfolded and received electric shocks every 30 seconds.
Warner had to search through mud crabs, eels, snakes and rats to find the stars but he kept missing throwing them into a postbox, which was how they would secure a point.
They returned to camp having only won one star out of a possible six with Warner taking full blame for their poor result, later saying in the Bush Telegraph: "I can't help but beat myself up a lot. I'm so hungry and I wanted to bring back good news and I can't."
However, Mr Hancock, Mr Tindall and Walsh had more success when they were given a night-time challenge with the chance of winning a fry-up for camp the next morning.
The trio had to work together to assemble various food items including piping "Happy Birthday Kev" on a cake and making up hot dogs with items which were seperated from them via a screen.
The team managed to pass quality control and return home triumphant having won breakfast for camp.