Like the story of Vince Vaughn disturbing diners at a sushi restaurant with loud drunken complaints about his life, he was seen out at an L.A. club recently looking like crap and clearly wasted. Instead of bothering people with his sloppy behavior he tried to entertain them with it, with similar results:

Elvis Presley must have been spinning in his grave, after Wedding Crashers star Vince Vaughn crashed the stage at L.A. club Bordello to sing a boozy, out-of-tune rendition of one of The King’s classics!

An eyewitness tells Star that Vaughn, 37 – wearing what has become his trademark rumped, plaid work shirt… arrived at Bordello with a male friend at 10 p.m. on Aug. 24. “Vince already seemed a little glassy-eyed when he came into the club, but the first thing he did was to order a couple of cocktails,” said the eyewitness. “He hadn’t shaved and looked like he needed sleep…”

A rockabilly band was playing that night, and, the eyewitness reports, “after they finished a song, Vince must have decided that everyone was dying to hear him sing! He suddenly climbed on stage and talked to a band member off to the side, then grabbed the microphone and announced, ‘I’m gonna do an Elvis song!’ Everyone was excited at first since Vince is a celebrity.”

But the crowd’s oohs turned to boos almost immediately, as Vaughn’s vocal prowess – or lack thereof – filled the room. “Vince started singing ‘Little Sister,” but he was off key and seemed to stumble through the lyrics,” says the eyewitness. “The regular crowd [wasn’t] impressed at all… they actually started booing halfway through the song, an when he was through, one guy yelled out, ‘Hey Vince – don’t quit your day job!'”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, October 1, 2007]

Vaughn isn’t exactly attacking trees or removing his pants in public like Kiefer Sutherland, but he seems to have some issues with alcohol and I hope he has a designated driver or the sense to call a cab. He’s either lucky to not have been nabbed for DUI yet or responsible enough not to drink and drive. Given that it’s Vince Vaughn we’re talking about, I would say luck has more to do with it, but I hope I’m wrong.

The article in Star also had a funny inset pictorial called “Plaid to the Bone” featuring six different photos of Vaughn out wearing plaid shirts in different states of disarray.

Vaughn’s next film Fred Claus is coming out on November 9. Vaughn stars as little brother Fred to Santa, played by Paul Giamatti. Cinema Blend speculates that It could be fun adult fare like Bad Santa, or sweet but funny-smart like Elf, but it also looks like a risk for Vaughn, and if the film is too schmaltzy his career could take a nosedive. The poster is shown below, thanks to Cinematical.

Other images below are scans from Star Magazine.
