Genshin Impact version 3.8 has reached phase 2, changing the character banners into Wanderer and Kokomi. Sangonomiya Kokomi is a 5-star Hydro catalyst character who can heal teammates while applying Hydro on enemies off-field.

When she was initially released in version 2.1, many were disappointed with her performance. However, since her second rerun banner in version 2.5, Travelers have realized how dependable the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi can be, especially in Spiral Abyss.

Five potent team compositions for Kokomi in Genshin Impact version 3.0

1) Taser Team (Kokomi + Beidou + Fischl + Sucrose)

Kokomi's Taser team comprises herself, two Electro characters, and one Anemo support. In this lineup, Beidou is chosen because of her strong Burst damage, while Fischl and Sucrose can help trigger reactions off-field using their Elemental Skill and Burst.

2) Freeze Team (Kokomi + Ganyu + Ayaka + Venti)

Kokomi and her Freeze teammates (Image via HoYoverse)

The Freeze team has always been Kokomi's BIS team because of her off-field Hydro application. With a duration of 12 seconds on a 20-second cooldown, Kokomi's Bake-Kurage can heal the active character on the field while also dealing Hydro damage to surrounding opponents.

Ganyu is the main DPS in this team, while Ayaka is the Burst support alongside Venti, who will gather enemies.

3) Sukokomon (Kokomi + Sucrose + Fischl + Xiangling)

The best F2P team for Kokomi in Genshin Impact is arguably Sukokomon, where the lineup consists of only 4-star characters, aside from the priestess herself. Sucrose, Fischl, and Xiangling can all trigger their respective elements off-field with their Elemental Skill and Burst.

4) Bloom Freeze Team (Kokomi + Dendro MC + Sucrose + Rosaria)

With the addition of the Dendro element in Genshin Impact version 3.0, Kokomi received another upgrade that expanded her team lineup. The Bloom Freeze team is essentially the usual Freeze team, but with the addition of a Cryo character.

Since Dendro does not react to Cryo, players can apply Kokomi's Elemental Skill to trigger both Bloom and Freeze reactions on enemies. This allows opponents to receive damage even while being frozen by the exploding Dendro cores.

5) Hyperbloom Team (Kokomi + Dendro MC + Fischl + Collei)

Kokomi, one Electro character, and two Dendro characters (Image via HoYoverse)

The last team is another new option for Kokomi in Genshin Impact version 3.0, featuring the Hyperbloom reaction. In this team, three elements are needed: Hydro, Dendro, and Electro.

As many know, when Hydro meets with Dendro on opponents, a Dendro core will appear. Then, when an Electro hits the Dendro core, it will trigger Hyperbloom, where the core will change into a homing attack on the nearest enemy.

Both Dendro MC and Collei are great for applying Dendro off-field, so with both of them in the team, Kokomi can trigger as many Blooms as possible.

With the addition of Dendro to Genshin Impact, Kokomi has proven extremely useful in various scenarios. She is now featured on the event wish banner alongside Wanderer and will stay until the end of version 3.8.

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